import sqlite3
#------- Helpers ----------#
def sentPos2textPos(sent_len_lst, sent_id, position):
if sent_id == 0:
return position
for i in range(sent_id):
position += sent_len_lst[i]
return position
import json
import re
import pandas as pd
[docs]class Corpus():
"""Query corpus from sqlite database
def __init__(self, db='data/asbc.sqlite', corp="data/asbc_lite.jsonl"):
"""Initialize a corpus for query
db : str, optional
Relative path to the sqlite database of the corpus,
by default 'data/asbc.sqlite'.
corp : str, optional
Relative path to the jsonl file of the corpus,
by default "data/asbc_lite.jsonl". This file is
read into memory to enable fast locating of kwic
in the corpus.
def functionRegex(pattern, value):
pat = re.compile(r"\b" + pattern + r"\b")
#pat = re.compile(pattern)
return pat.search(value) is not None
# sqlite corpus
conn = sqlite3.connect(db)
conn.create_function("REGEXP", 2, functionRegex)
# Connection object of sqlite3
self.conn = conn
self.cursor = conn.cursor()
# Get column names of tables
# jsonl corpus path
with open(corp) as f:
self.corp = [json.loads(line) for line in f ]
[docs] def queryOneGram(self, token, pos, matchOpr={'token': '=', 'pos': 'REGEXP'}, gender=None):
"""Query KWIC of one token
token : str
RegEx pattern of the keyword's form.
pos : str
RegEx pattern of the keyword's PoS tag. E.g., to
search for:
- Nouns, use ``N.*``
- Verbs, use ``V.*``
See the tag set `here <https://github.com/ckiplab/ckiptagger/wiki/POS-Tags>`_.
matchOpr: dict
The operator ``<opr>`` given to the SQL command in
``WHERE x <opr> pattern``. Could be one of ``=`` (exact match),
``REGEXP`` (uses RegEx to match pattern), or
``LIKE`` (uses ``%`` to match pattern).
Defaults to exact match for ``token`` and sql pattern for ``pos``.
gender: int, optional
Pre-filter SQL database based on the sex of the texts authors.
- ``0``: female
- ``1``: male
- other values: all (no filter)
A pandas dataframe for matching keywords and their
positional information in the corpus.
# Add gender for Dcard
if gender:
head = '''
SELECT gender text_id, sent_id, position, token_id, pos_id FROM oneGram
WHERE gender = {} AND '''.format(gender)
head = 'SELECT text_id, sent_id, position, token_id, pos_id FROM oneGram WHERE'
# Optimize search
if (token is not None) and (pos is not None):
sqlQuery = f"""{head}
(token_id IN (SELECT token_id FROM token
WHERE token {matchOpr['token']} ?) ) AND
(pos_id IN (SELECT pos_id FROM pos
WHERE pos {matchOpr['pos']} ?) )
q = (token, pos)
elif (token is not None) and (pos is None):
sqlQuery = f"""{head}
token_id IN (SELECT token_id FROM token WHERE token {matchOpr['token']} ?)
q = (token, )
elif (token is None) and (pos is not None):
sqlQuery = f"""{head}
pos_id IN (SELECT pos_id FROM pos WHERE pos {matchOpr['pos']} ?)
q = (pos, )
raise Exception("Error in queryDB.py:line 98")
return 1
rows = self.cursor.execute(sqlQuery, q)
return pd.DataFrame(data=rows, columns=['text_id', 'sent_id', 'position', 'token_id', 'pos_id'])
[docs] def getNgram(self, text_id, sent_id, position, anchor={'n': 4, 'seed': 1}):
"""Get the ngram of a seed token from the in-memory corpus
The three parameters ``text_id``, ``sent_id``, and ``position`` together
locates the position of a seed token in the corpus. The info about the ngram
in which this seed token lies is saved in the parameter ``anchor``.
text_id : int
The index of the text in the corpus.
sent_id : int
The index of the sentence in the text.
position : int
The index of the token in the sentence.
anchor : dict, optional
Information about the seed token's ngram, by default
{'n': 4, 'seed': 1}.
- ``seed``: The token's position in the ngram
- ``n``: The ngram's length
An ngram stored as (word, tag) pairs in a list.
sent = self.corp[text_id][sent_id]
ngram_idx_start = position - anchor['seed']
ngram = sent[ngram_idx_start:(ngram_idx_start + anchor['n'])]
if len(ngram) != anchor['n']:
return None
return ngram
def _getQueryMatchSet(self, query):
matchOpr = {'token': '=', 'pos': 'REGEXP'}
out = []
for q in query:
if q['tk.regex']:
matchOpr['token'] = 'REGEXP'
matchOpr['token'] = '='
# Query DB for matching tags
matching_tk = []
matching_pos = []
if q['tk'] is not None:
matching_tk = self.conn.execute(f"""
SELECT token from token WHERE token {matchOpr['token']} ?
""", (q['tk'],) )
if q['pos'] is not None:
matching_pos = self.conn.execute(f"""
SELECT pos from pos WHERE pos {matchOpr['pos']} ?
""", (q['pos'],) )
# Convert to python set
matching_tk = set(t[0] for t in matching_tk)
matching_pos = set(t[0] for t in matching_pos)
out.append({'tk': matching_tk, 'pos': matching_pos})
return out
[docs] def queryNgram(self, query, anchor={'n': 2, 'seed': 1}, gender=None):
"""Query KWIC of phrases
query : list
A list of token objects (dictionaries), with each dictionary
representing the token in the query string (i.e. token enclosed
in the brackets). Returned by :py:func:`queryParser.tokenize`.
anchor : dict, optional
Passed to ``anchor`` in :py:meth:`.getNgram`,
by default {'n': 2, 'seed': 1}.
gender : int, optional
Passed to ``gender`` in :py:meth:`.queryOneGram`, by default None.
A pandas dataframe for matching keywords and their
positional information in the corpus.
# Query Seed Token
seed_tk = query[anchor['seed']]['tk']
seed_pos = query[anchor['seed']]['pos']
if query[anchor['seed']]['tk.regex']:
matchOpr = {'token': 'REGEXP', 'pos': 'REGEXP'}
matchOpr = {'token': '=', 'pos': 'REGEXP'}
oneGram = self.queryOneGram(token=seed_tk, pos=seed_pos, matchOpr=matchOpr, gender=gender)
# Scan through ngrams of the seed token
valid_rows = []
queryMatchSet = self._getQueryMatchSet(query)
for idx, row in oneGram.iterrows():
ngram = self.getNgram(row.text_id, row.sent_id, row.position, anchor)
if ngram: # ngram successfully extracted from sent
valid = True
for i in range(len(ngram)):
ngram_tk = ngram[i][0]
ngram_pos = ngram[i][1]
# Check whether token and pos match between query ngram and corpus ngram
# If user didn't specify token or pos (i.e. None), they are treated
# as equal to whatever tokens or tags are in the corpus
tk_equal, pos_equal = False, False
if (query[i]['tk'] is None) or (ngram_tk in queryMatchSet[i]['tk']):
tk_equal = True
if (query[i]['pos'] is None) or (ngram_pos in queryMatchSet[i]['pos']):
pos_equal = True
if not (tk_equal and pos_equal):
valid = False
valid = False
if valid:
return oneGram.iloc[valid_rows]
[docs] def concordance(self, text_id, sent_id, position, n=1, left=10, right=10):
"""Retrive all KWIC instances from corpus based on positional information
text_id : int
One of a index of the items (text level of the corpus) in
the first level of :py:attr:`.corpus`. This is the index
indicating the order of the texts in the corpus.
sent_id : int
One of a index of the items (sentence level of the corpus)
in the second level of :py:attr:`.corpus`.
This is the index indicating the order of the sentences in
a text.
position : int
One of a index of the items (word level of the corpus)
in the third level of :py:attr:`.corpus`.
This is the index indicating the order of the words in
a sentence.
n : int, optional
Keyword length, by default 1
left : int, optional
Left context size, in number of tokens, by default 10
right : int, optional
Right context size, in number of tokens, by default 10
A dictionary with:
- ``keyword``: the keyword and its PoS tag
- ``left`` & ``right``: the left and right context,
consisting of tokens and their PoS tags.
full_text = []
sent_len = []
for i, sent in enumerate(self.corp[text_id]):
full_text += sent
keyword_idx = sentPos2textPos(sent_len, sent_id, position)
keyword = full_text[keyword_idx:(keyword_idx + n)]
return {
'keyword': keyword,
'left': full_text[(keyword_idx - left):keyword_idx],
'right': full_text[(keyword_idx + n):(keyword_idx + n + right)]