Source code for concordancer.concordancer

import re
import math
import cqls
from typing import Union
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import Counter
from .utils import queryMatchToken, match_mode
from .indexedCorpus import IndexedCorpus

[docs]class Concordancer(IndexedCorpus): _cql_default_attr = "word" _cql_max_quantity = 6
[docs] def set_cql_parameters(self, default_attr: str, max_quant: int=6): """Set parameters for CQL queries in the Concordancer Parameters ---------- default_attr : str The default attribute of the tokens. CQL allows expressing a token without specifying its attribute, like ``"hits"``. If ``default_attr`` is set to, for example, ``word``, ``"hits"`` is then equivalent to ``[word="hits"]`` in CQL. max_quant : int, optional The maximium quantity to evaluate to for the CQL token-level quantifier. ``max_quant`` is used in two CQL expressions: ``+`` and ``*``. The upper bounds of these quantifiers are theoretically infinite, but since the computer cannot generate a infinite number of queries, an upper bound of the quantifier must be specified. By default, it is set to 6. """ self._cql_default_attr = default_attr self._cql_max_quantity = max_quant
def _kwic(self, keywords: list, left=5, right=5): # Get concordance from corpus search_results = self._search_keywords(keywords) if search_results is None: return [] for doc_idx, sent_idx, tk_idx in search_results: cc = self._kwic_single(doc_idx, sent_idx, tk_idx, tk_len=len(keywords), left=left, right=right, keywords=keywords) yield cc def _kwic_single(self, doc_idx, sent_idx, tk_idx, tk_len=1, left=5, right=5, keywords:list=None): # Flatten doc sentences to a list of tokens text, keyword_idx = flatten_doc_to_sent(self._get_corp_data(doc_idx)) tk_start_idx = keyword_idx(sent_idx, tk_idx) tk_end_idx = tk_start_idx + tk_len start_idx = max(tk_start_idx - left, 0) end_idx = min(tk_end_idx + right, len(text)) # Get CQL labeled token positions captureGroups = {} for i, keyword in enumerate(keywords): if '__label__' in keyword: for lab in keyword.get('__label__'): if lab not in captureGroups: captureGroups[lab] = [] tk = self._get_corp_data(doc_idx, sent_idx, i + tk_idx) captureGroups[lab].append(tk) return { "left": text[start_idx:tk_start_idx], "keyword": text[tk_start_idx:tk_end_idx], "right": text[tk_end_idx:end_idx], "position": { "doc_idx": doc_idx, "sent_idx": sent_idx, "tk_idx": tk_idx }, "captureGroups": captureGroups } def _search_keywords(self, keywords: list): ######################################################### # Find keywords with the least number of matching results ######################################################### best_search_loc = (0, None, math.inf) for i, keyword in enumerate(keywords): results = self._search_keyword(keyword) num_of_matched = len(results) if num_of_matched == 0: return None elif num_of_matched < best_search_loc[-1]: best_search_loc = (i, results, num_of_matched) results = best_search_loc[1] ####################################### # Check other tokens around search seed ####################################### keyword_anchor = { 'length': len(keywords), 'seed_idx': best_search_loc[0] } # Check all possible matching keywords matched_results = [] for idx in results: # Get all possible matching keywords from corpus candidates = self._get_keywords(keyword_anchor, *idx) if len(candidates) != len(keywords): continue # Check every token in keywords matched_num = 0 for w_k, w_c in zip(keywords, candidates): if queryMatchToken(queryTerm=w_k, corpToken=w_c): matched_num += 1 if matched_num == len(keywords): first_keyword_idx = idx[2] - keyword_anchor['seed_idx'] matched_results.append( [idx[0], idx[1], first_keyword_idx] ) return matched_results def _search_keyword(self, keyword: dict): """Global search of a keyword to find candidates of correct kwic instances Parameters ---------- keyword : dict A dictionary specifying the matching conditions of the keyword: .. code-block:: python { 'match': { 'word': ['打'], 'pos': ['V.*'] }, 'not_match': { 'pos': ['VH.*'] }, '__label__': ['l1'] #labels to attached to search results } Returns ------- list A list of matching indicies """ positive_match = set() negative_match = set() # Deal with empty token {} if ('match' not in keyword) and ('not_match' not in keyword): return self.all_tk_idx else: ######################################## ########## POSITIVE MATCH ########## ######################################## matching_idicies = Counter() for tag, values in keyword['match'].items(): # Check all values of a specific tag for idx in self._intersect_search(tag, values): matching_idicies.update({idx: 1}) # Get indicies that matched all given tags for idx, count in matching_idicies.items(): if count == len(keyword['match']): positive_match.add(idx) # Special case: match is empty if len(keyword['match']) == 0: positive_match = self.all_tk_idx ######################################## ########## NEGATIVE MATCH ########## ######################################## for tag, values in keyword['not_match'].items(): for idx in self._union_search(tag, values): negative_match.add(idx) ######################################## ##### POSITIVE - NEGATIVE MATCH ###### ######################################## positive_match.difference_update(negative_match) if len(positive_match) == 0: print(f"{keyword} not found in corpus") return positive_match def _union_search(self, tag:Union[str, int], values:list): """Given candidates values, return from corpus the position of tokens matching any of the values Parameters ---------- tag : Union[str, int] The tag of the token used for comparison values : list A list of values to compare with """ matched_indicies = set() for value in values: value, mode = match_mode(value) if mode == "literal": if value in self.corp_idx[tag]: for idx in self.corp_idx[tag][value]: matched_indicies.add(idx) else: for term in self.corp_idx[tag]: if, term): for idx in self.corp_idx[tag][term]: matched_indicies.add(idx) return matched_indicies def _intersect_search(self, tag:Union[str, int], values:list): """Given candidates values, return from corpus the position of tokens matching all values Parameters ---------- tag : Union[str, int] The tag of the token used for comparison values : list A list of values to compare with """ # Get intersections of all values match_count = Counter() for value in values: value, mode = match_mode(value) indices = [] if mode == "literal": if value in self.corp_idx[tag]: indices = self.corp_idx[tag][value] else: for term in self.corp_idx[tag]: if, term): indices += self.corp_idx[tag][term] for idx in set(indices): match_count.update({idx: 1}) # Filter idicies that match all values given intersect_match = set() for idx, count in match_count.items(): if count == len(values): intersect_match.add(idx) return intersect_match def _get_keywords(self, search_anchor: dict, doc_idx, sent_idx, tk_idx): sent = self._get_corp_data(doc_idx, sent_idx) start_idx = max(0, tk_idx - search_anchor['seed_idx']) end_idx = min(start_idx + search_anchor['length'], len(sent)) return sent[start_idx:end_idx] def _get_corp_data(self, doc_idx, sent_idx=None, tk_idx=None): """Get corpus data by position """ if self.text_key is not None: if sent_idx is None: return self.corpus[doc_idx][self.text_key] if tk_idx is None: return self.corpus[doc_idx][self.text_key][sent_idx] return self.corpus[doc_idx][self.text_key][sent_idx][tk_idx] else: if sent_idx is None: return self.corpus[doc_idx] if tk_idx is None: return self.corpus[doc_idx][sent_idx] return self.corpus[doc_idx][sent_idx][tk_idx]
################## # Helper functions ################## def flatten_doc_to_sent(doc): text = [] sent_lengths = [] for sent in doc: sent_lengths.append(len(sent)) text += sent def keyword_idx(sent_idx, tk_idx): nonlocal sent_lengths for i in range(sent_idx): tk_idx += sent_lengths[i] return tk_idx return text, keyword_idx def norm_token_struct(token): if isinstance(token, dict): return token if isinstance(token, str): return {"word": token} if isinstance(token, list): return { i:item for i, item in enumerate(token) } raise Exception("Invalid token structure") def is_subdict(subdict:dict, dict_:dict, regex=False): for k in subdict: if k not in dict_: return False if not regex: if subdict[k] != dict_[k]: return False else: if not[k], dict_[k]): return False return True