Source code for concordancer.kwic_print

from copy import deepcopy
from tabulate import tabulate
from typing import Union, Sequence, Generator

[docs]class KWIC: """Printing concordance data in keyword-in-context format """ def __init__(self, concordance:Union[Sequence, Generator]): """Initialize a concordance list as KWIC and print it out Parameters ---------- attrs : list, optional The attributes of a token to include in printing, by default ['word', 'pos'] print_idx : Sequence[int], optional Indicies of the instances of the concordance list to print out, by default None. If None, all instances are printed out. """ = concordance self.print_keys = ['left', 'keyword', 'right', 'captureGroups'] self.captureGroup_keys = set() self.print() def __str__(self): return
[docs] def print(self, attrs=['word', 'pos']): """Pretty print a concordance list Parameters ---------- attrs : list, optional The attributes of a token to include in printing, by default ['word', 'pos'] print_idx : Sequence[int], optional Indicies of the instances of the concordance list to print out, by default None. If None, all instances are printed out. """ print_data = [] for concord in concord = _keep_dict_keys(deepcopy(concord), self.print_keys) if 'captureGroups' in concord: for label, tokens in concord.get('captureGroups').items(): label = f"LABEL: {label}" concord[label] = tokens self.captureGroup_keys.add(label) del concord['captureGroups'] # Add captureGroup keys to print keys for k in self.captureGroup_keys: if k not in self.print_keys: self.print_keys.append(k) # Separate word/tag concord = self._separate_attrs(concord, attrs) print_data.append(concord) print(tabulate(print_data, headers="keys"))
def _separate_attrs(self, concord: dict, attrs: list): """Paste multiple attributes of a token together for printing Parameters ---------- concord : dict A concordance object attrs : list Names of attributes to paste together Returns ------- dict An concordance object with lists replaced with string for printing """ for key in self.print_keys: if key == 'captureGroups': continue tokens = [] for token in concord[key]: concat_val = [] for attr, val in token.items(): if attr in attrs: concat_val.append(val) concat_val = '/'.join(concat_val) tokens.append(concat_val) concord[key] = ' '.join(tokens) return concord
def _keep_dict_keys(dict_, keys): for k in deepcopy(dict_): if k not in keys: del dict_[k] return dict_