Source code for concordancer.server

import os
import json
import cqls
import falcon
import pathlib
import logging
import webbrowser
from urllib.parse import unquote
from falcon_cors import CORS
from wsgiref import simple_server
from .concordancer import Concordancer

    ["{", "___LCURLY_BRACKET___"],
    ["}", "___RCURLY_BRACKET___"],
    ["[", "___LSQUARE_BRACKET___"],
    ["]", "___RSQUARE_BRACKET___"],
    [chr(92), "___BACKSLASH___"],
    ["^", "___START_ANCHOR___"],
    [";", "___SEMICOLON___"],
    ["/", "___SLASH___"],
    ["?", "___QUESTION___"],
    [":", "___COLON___"],
    ["@", "___AT___"],
    ["&", "___AMPERSAND___"],
    ["=", "___EQUAL___"],
    ["+", "___PLUS___"],
    ["$", "___END_ANCHOR___"],
    [",", "___COMMA___"],

[docs]def run(Concordancer, port=1420, url=None, open_browser=True): """Serve the concordancer object to allow searching with the web browser Parameters ---------- Concordancer : Concordancer A concordancer object port : int, optional The port the server listens on, by default 1420 url : str, optional Custom path to the query interface, by default None, which uses the path to local query interface bundled with the library open_browser : bool, optional Automatically visit the url with the browser, by default True """ # Allow access from frontend cors = CORS(allow_all_origins=True) # Falcon server app = falcon.API(middleware=[cors.middleware]) serv = ConcordancerBackend(Concordancer) app.add_route('/query', serv) app.add_route('/export', serv, suffix='export') print(f"Initializing server...") httpd = simple_server.make_server('localhost', port, app) print(f"Start serving at http://localhost:{port}") if url is None: url = query_interface_path() if open_browser: httpd.serve_forever()
[docs]class ConcordancerBackend(object): """Falcon API to serve the concordancer object for the query interface Notes ----- Two API endpoints, ``/query`` and ``/export``, are exposed. The endpoint ``/export`` accepts a GET request and responds by sending the most recent queried results back to the front-end in JSON format. The data sent back are identical to the data returned by :func:`~concordancer.Concordancer.cql_search` (converted to JSON). For the endpoint ``/query``, see the doc in :func:`~server.ConcordancerBackend.on_get` """ def __init__(self, Concordancer): # Initialize corpus self.C = Concordancer self.concord_list = []
[docs] def on_get(self, req, resp): """Handling GET requests sent to ``/query`` Parameters ---------- req : falcon.request Refer to falcon's documentation resp : falcon.response Refer to falcon's documentation Notes ----- Three parameters, ``query``, ``left``, and ``right`` are required in the query string of the URL sent to this endpoint. ``query`` holds the CQL query entered by the user. ``left`` and ``right`` set the left and right context sizes of the returned concordance lines. Due to the conflicts between CQL metacharacters and URL specification, some characters are replaced with safe ones in the front-end and converted back to the original ones in the back-end. For the full set of characters converted, refer to `URL_ESCAPES`_. .. _URL_ESCAPES: """ params = { 'query': '', 'left': '10', 'right': '10', } # Parse query string for k, v in req.params.items(): params[k] = v params['left'] = int(params['left']) params['right'] = int(params['right']) ############ DEBUGGING ############## print("Searching corpus...") ############ _DEBUGGING ############## # Restore escaped characters in URL back to original forms cql = params['query'] for char, escape in URL_ESCAPES: cql = cql.replace(escape, char) # Test CQL syntax try: cqls.parse(cql) except: resp.status = falcon.HTTP_400 resp.body = 'CQL Syntax error' # Query Database self.concord_list = list( self.C.cql_search( cql, left=params['left'], right=params['right'] ) ) # Response to frontend ############ DEBUGGING ############## print(f"Found {len(self.concord_list)} results...\n") ############ _DEBUGGING ############## resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200 # This is the default status resp.body = json.dumps({ 'results': self.concord_list, 'default_attr': self.C._cql_default_attr }, ensure_ascii=False)
[docs] def on_get_export(self, req, resp): """Handling GET requests sent to ``/export`` Parameters ---------- req : falcon.request Refer to falcon's documentation resp : falcon.response Refer to falcon's documentation Notes ----- Sends the most recent queried results back to the front-end in JSON """ resp.body = json.dumps(self.concord_list, ensure_ascii=False, indent="\t")
######################################## ##### Code for front-end interface ##### ########################################
[docs]def download_query_interface(url=None, force=True): """Download and extract query interface from web Parameters ---------- url : str, optional URL of the ```` file containing the query interface. By default None, which uses the default URL specified by the library force : bool, optional Force download, by default True """ fp = query_interface_path() if os.path.exists(fp):"query interface already exists in {fp}") if not force: return import zipfile import urllib.request import concordancer.server # Download data tgt_dir = pathlib.Path(concordancer.server.__file__).parents[0] if url is None: url = FRONTEND_ZIP urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, tgt_dir / "") # Extract zip file with zipfile.ZipFile(tgt_dir / "", 'r') as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(tgt_dir) return tgt_dir
[docs]def query_interface_path(): """Get the local path to the query interface Returns ------- str Path to the query interface """ import concordancer.server return str(pathlib.Path(concordancer.server.__file__).parents[0] / "dist/index.html")